Rules and Conditions
Anyone above 12 years can take part in the 'Stozo Pebble Painting Competition'.
The painting must be in a large size pebble. More than one pebble is also allowed to create a composition of painted pebbles reflecting a theme.
Small pebbles can be used to accompany the main painting, but it will not be considered for the contest.
Post the photos of your painted pebbles on Facebook and Instagram and tag Stozopebbles in your posts. #stozopebbles #stozolife.
More than one entry is allowed. Each entry will be evaluated individually for the contest.
Winner will get gifts worth upto Rs.3000 and certificate.
Consolation prizes will get gifts worth Rs.500 and certificate.
If Stozo pebbles (#stozopebbles #stozolife) is not tagged in your posts, unfortunately we will not be able to evaluate your artwork for the contest.
The extended last date for entry is 15 July 2022.
Stozo pebbles reserve the right to disqualify any registration(if not adhered to the rules and conditions) and change the rules and conditions of the competitions. Conditions Apply.
All the best!!!